Drip Drop

The sky is sad today, it has been crying all day. At times it’ll sob and big gusts of wind and buckets of water will gush down with the force of a waterfall. Sometimes it’ll sniffle and water will trickle down as slow as a tear rolling down a cheek. Either way, the sky is having a rough day.


The boardwalk will be missed

Truth to be told, I’m kinda ready to get out of Thessaloniki. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because I don’t like it here, I’m just ready for a change of scenery. One thing that I will miss about Thessaloniki however is the boardwalk, which is easily my favorite part of this city.

There’s always been something about sitting and watching the water that soothes me. Still water, fresh water, salt water, rough water. This may sound cheesy but when I sit and look out at the water, its as if it passes through me and cleanses me of my worries, my frustrations, my anger. I just really love the sea and the ocean, especially the way that it can change colors and how it acts as a mirror, joining two planes together: earth and sky. It’s pretty wacky at times but it’s also one of the most incredible things. I’ve always known that I want to live near the water, I need to be near that constant source of calm.

A couple of days ago a group of us went and sat by the boardwalk at sunset. It wasn’t exactly sunset because storm clouds were dragging themselves across the sky but it was beautiful nonetheless. It was as if the world had dipped into this muted blue lens and everything around us was soft and quiet. While we sat with out feet dangling over the edge, I couldn’t help think about how incredibly happy I was to be sitting and watching the water with new friends. This dialogue has been incredibly enriching writing wise, but its the people that I have met that have really cemented my experience here.